Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Final Countdown (cue the music by the Swedish hard rock band 'Europe')

So I have completed all prerequisite requirements for my trip and all I am left with is packing up my life in California and heading home to Oregon, which will leave me three days to pack for the whole year abroad. I mean how much could I really need in a tropical, third world country?

Since I will be living on the other side of the world in extreme conditions, I thought it'd be fun to play some games. I expect every reader of this blog to participate.

Game 1: How much weight will Darren lose (or gain) while in the Marshall Islands. I will do my initial weigh-in on a bathroom scale in Oregon within the next week.

Game 2: How many days will Darren go without cutting his hair, (if at all)?

Game 3: How long will Darren's hair get?

Things to keep in mind when making educated guesses:
  • Common foods of the Marshall Islands: breadfruit, pandanus, coconut, rice, fish and canned meat (I am told the food is very bland)
  • Previously, the longest I have gone without cutting my hair is 6 months (between Oct '02-March '03 as seen in the pic below)
  • The weather is hot and humid year round, with highs about 88 degrees, although there is a pleasant "windy" season as well.
  • In February '07 I shaved my head with a razor, currently my hair is approximately 3 inches long
Prizes will be awarded for the best guesses!

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