Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Another update

Ok while, I intended to put up another post last week on the 14th the internet café was being dumb, so it was not updated and another week has almost gone by.

First off, I would like to happy birthday to my sister Cory, while this many be a little impersonal, you will be receiving a gift in the mail soon (well soon after I actually mail it). Second, I would like to say congratulations to my cousin Zach on getting married this weekend. I am sorry that I will not be attending this awesome event but I will be there in spirit. And thirdly I would like to give a night little shout-out to TK/Taysh for sending me an awesome postcard from Avalon, New Jersey, and to Lauren for sending me a letter as well. I enjoy the letters. Oh and how can I forget the care package of chocolate, goldfish and Twinkies? Thanks My for sending that, it was very much appreciated.

As for the happenings around Majuro, things are going well. I have been catching some things around here. Two weeks ago I caught a big rat. Last week I caught a big fish in a Billfish Club tournament. Joe and I went out on a boat called 'Celtic Pride' with the owner John Murphy. Our day started with getting up at 4:15AM and we fished from 6AM till about 4:30PM. At first we thought that we only had a so-so day of fishing catching 2 fish, neither one of them a Marlin. On Sunday we found out that our boat got second place! The first place boat had caught 2 Marlin.

So let's see if I can keep this up this weekend and see what I can catch. (the rat and fish pics should be posted soon.)

Last Sunday, a guy named Baron (a Marshallese man in his 40's who now lives in Gresham, Oregon) took us out on his father-in-law's boat and we spent the day fishing again. However, Sunday ended up being more of a boating day because there were even fewer fish in the water. At least we got to go to Enamanet to go swimming which is always a fun activity.

Well anyway, school is going well. I met my "Special Ed" class this week and I am no longer worried with taking that class on. While it is a little difficult to communicate with the deaf kid and many of the students have a hard time understanding moderate to difficult English words, that class follows directions very well. They are very patient with me, and everyone in that class makes an effort to participate. I can hardly say that with my four other classes, but those classes are starting to turn around.

Please continue to send me letters and emails they are very much appreciated. I am making an effort to write back as soon as possible. Also, to everyone who I promise a postcard, I am learning about places where I can buy some, so as soon as I purchase postcards and stamps they will be mailed out. Don't worry, I have not forgotten about all of you.

So until next time…



Phone: 503.467.1177

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why can't I see your latest photos?